guess u are asleep now le bah.a few msg a day.asking the same old things..."wake up le""whr are u"in a single day not a single call.and of course, dun say abt meet up.just msg mi tt you had being promoted as an asst. manager.should i be happy or not??just a simple msg tt wrote. hee happy first Valentine's Day.Should i be content or not???dun think u ever remb today is vd till ytd afternoon???and u expect mi of actually waiting for???which i can jolly well see tt i wun be enjoying at all. it onli give me a feeling of because it is so,so to do it and not frm the heart. furthermore, will you be able to make it??? with your tt at least 13-14 hours of working hours, i dun think so. hah. it's really just a waste for my time...have you ever tot of planning for the day...
our first vd...
even you tell me to wait for u for just a simple dinner at the kopitam, i will still will.
it's all too late.
and i dun see wad a nice dinner it will be at the last min.
what i can see is..
you didn't.
i dun see the sincerity.
what a memorable first vd...
you achieve what you want.
i guess u didn't get my understanding at all....
and of course, literally you are lossing me.
can someone just tell mi.
am i at the wrong..
am i not standing 'close' by him side.
am i asking too much...
i should be more understanding...
support he in his works.
i should had...
i should had....
had i being asking too much or...
had i being not doing enough.
maybe. tt very long ago, i already dun really love u tt much ..maybe tt's the reason why i can't pull thr this with u. i can't understand your work, your every single thing... and not even feelin a single happy tt u are RICH!!!
how can the world be a couple like us that call oursleves couple.hah.
basic understanding and communication is not thr at all.
our minds are not connected. what more about our heart.
while for u. you got what u had. money and state. isn't tt good. hah.
as what i had said . i'm just draging it. keep telling myself yar. he will turn back do a little changes. but too bad. what's gone is gone.everythings just look and sound so diff. when i just know you, the first few months together and coming to a year. it's seems really long and draggy. i didn't really expect things to turn out tt bad for barely a year for us. i just can't really imagine how 2 years, 3 years, or even 50 years ltr will be wonders are not wrg tot. maybe we are not meant to be together at all. it's fading away...i'm envying every single couple tt i know or even those stranger out thr.. but not myself. remb last yr as a outsider or stanger, i actually felt the xin fu from all the ladies i had serve. vd, all gals are xin fu de. while, it's just not for me this time round.hah. one day just one day the drag will worn's when it's stop.everythings will be ok. i will be fine.