OMG... can you image...i just wake up...is 7pm le....wow~~~~the first time i sleep till 7pm le....very very long wow~~~~
i was so shock lo...i sleep sleep slp thn my dog jump up to my bed and slp together wif mi for quite some time...thn i was just wondering...'y my ah pa nv come n chase my doggy out le' hmm....cos i tot onli 12 or even 10 plus like tt ma..so i went to take a look at my hp 4 the time...thn i saw it's 6.48pm le....the 1st thing tt come into my mind was tt 'my time sure wrong one' how can it be 6 plus le....cannot be ma...but think twice, ytd the time still ok wad....so i woke up n went to check the timing at my living rm...and it was like...wow~~~really 6 plus le...
my hp was on silent and moreover...my inbokz full le...so those who send mi mes hor, i dun recive any and i did not hear the phone ring....so, i cannot wake up...
but slp so long also good la...i so long nv slp so long le...yi chi gao...slp long long...13 hrs like tt le....
lucky today no nid to work or wad ar...if not i die ...haha
tt's how my 2nd day of 18 goes...haha
another thing for mi to wow~ is tt ...i really do enjoy ytds very very very very the much...
really a big THX to all my friends....you have make my 1st day of being 18 soooooo fun and enjoyable...i dun think i can forget ba...
really thx alot man...other thn tt i really dunno wad i can say le...i noe you guys do also spend alot...really sorry on the other points...i noe all of you also broke le...but i do really enjoy myself...thx alot....i'm really the touched...haha...
not bluffing you all lo...
we went to k which is so the ex....$300 plus le...wow very the ex...the frist time i go k untill so ex de...so sorry my friend...you all gv mi present still spend so much...
reallly sorry le...i feel very bad lo....
okie okie...my 18 afternoon was very the touching also...first is started by my classmates....wow~~~they...i...which was like ...wow~~thx alot guys...
they brought a cake for mi lo...which was like i onli noe they for 1 wk like tt onli le...and they actually brought a cake for mi...plus is one of the guys gu yi go causeway to buy for mi and he skip his lunch de lo...it was like arh~~~~
thx alotzzzzz.....
thn after sch i went to mit cin they all lo...in the end there was like altogether 11 of them...wow~~~~we went to k...thn we have a very very very big rm...
1st was like cin and jo reach tere 1st...thn we found out tt they haven book a rm as it is already 7pm le...so we decided to take noeprint 1st lo...haha
actually is we 3 rp one...thn nan come le...so i pull him in and take also...it was like so fun lo...cos we dunno wad wad...so anyhow press de...so...we took the 20 plus shot de...and is those top, center and bottom shot...the bottom was very the tiring...thn is like change here change tere de lo...so we was like do wad do wad...from where frm where...haha...my 1st noeprint wif nan and joo just gone like tt...thn we was ask to design of course...haha...thn more worse...we dunno wad is wad...thn they also dun have much de lo...so in the end, we dun really design the thing...haha....but aniway...very fun...
thn we went in the k box...ohya...tiff was also tere le...haha....
she was singing her fav...jay song...i join in of course...but we was so hungery ...so wing and jo say they buy food come back futrhermore wei they all is reaching soon le...haha...
so i pass them my wallet go buy food la...
while waiting for them to come back...cos joo and nan also go eat ma...tiff, cin and i was like keep taking photo and sing and sing...cos we all sing all the high picth de ma...if the guys come back le...thn...aiya...so we must b high 1st..haha...
thn not long all come back le...haha...really fun lo....i have a surpise cake...can i say it tt way..hmmm cos it was like i heard the k box staff say wad candles de...but really...if the staff nv say so loud, i really dun think there will be a cake de....thx alot ar...cos the cake taste real nice even though it look hmmmmmm~~~
very fun way of eating a cake...as the cake was so soft...we can't really cut la..haha....
ron came at A very late timing as i can say...as mi and hs being sabo to go play game, we met ron on the way.. so 3 of us went to play dunno wad game...haha
a very supid game i can say..haha..1st round we won, but the 2nd...hmmm...haha..if not we will win the dunno wad ticket le..haha...
woo~~~it was very late le....forget wad time le..but i noe ron came awhile thn like 1 plus le...the gals have to go back le...cos really too late liao...morning they also got sch ma...
so i stay back lo...birthday gal ma...haha..till 3am le..haha. cos they closing at 3am ma...but reALY lo...so long nv sing...yi sing is till 3am..frm 7 to 3 le..wow.really long le...very tire le...all no $$$$ le...have to take cab hm....thn i gv them $$$ they all dun wan...aiyo...
i feel more baD abt it lo...cos...they all also no $$ le...aiyo...arh~~~so sorry...
reach hm, actually i wan to write de...but really to tire le...i reach hm, bath le, thn open my lappy thn i fall aslp..cos i was on my bed ma...haha...stupid mi rite...
my dad did not scold..cos, he slp le,,,haha...or i say he dun wan to wake up...as my dog bark till so loud man...thx for him not scoldin..cos i noe if he does, my 1st 18 will be ruin...
mayb i'm really too tire le ba...tt's y i slept till 7pm...haha...
okie la...nid to go eat my dinner le...which suppose to be my lunch de..haha...
see you guys soon...haha...
i very happy~~~~~~~~~so touched...almost cry out