wow~~~time really passes fAST....todAY is the last day of mi being 17... so fast..tml you yao lao le...lol...i'm born 18 yrs ago....in a small small ...aiyoaiyo..(still young ar...write wad story...)
17 ar...not very sweet le...alot things...up and down...up and down...pass le ye hao..tt oso means a new yr is waiting for mi le ma...really hope tt 18 de wo will be better, got more luck la...hope tt everything will be better ba...haha...
today okie lo...very fun n happy...although i noe everyone was tire le..including myself...haha...i have to say..actually wan to go clemanti watch movie de..but too late le, plus no more show to watch le..so we nv watch le lo...walk walk walk..thn nth to do...fsrer more tiff tml still got alot of things on...very late le..better let her go hm 1st ba...she nowsaday also very the stress ba...b'cos of tt stupid soh la...got so problem wif him de la..hiaz~
thn we went to jp eat..cos cin haven eat...actually also wan to go see see something de lo...cos tt blog la...haha...okie la...i admit...we very the kpo rite...gals ma..haha...
thn we tok tok tok...realy have a fun time..
8 plus to 9 le...time to go hm...nid to do Rj somemore..sainz...today i really write very short...nth to think of le...today no A le...cos in class i did not tok much...cos i really dun noe wad toking him...i mean i noe la..is physics tinghy la...but i really all return to mr dunno wad le..paiseh la...forget his name le...lol...(see la, his name also forget le..the facts more worse rite...)
so...ya...like tt lo..no mark score..if got also i tok rubbish de...dun think got any pts ba...
aiya...tml tt camp..now i very tire,...so i dun think i'm goin le...in mt tot nw is dun wan...but i feel like goin de ...i noe...if is at nxt wk, i sure go de...i tell angie i goin le...but i did tell her i dunno goin not le...but see now should be no le..really sorry le...i cannot accompany....
i wanted to join the camp is also b'cos i noe tt if i join the camp rite, not onli i will noe more friends...i will also get closes to angie...haha...
something like tt de ba...but i really feel sorry tt i cannot accompany her...i scare she angry le...cos i think she tot i will b goin le...how?....tml see ba...try try lo...
if she angry thn die le...i dun wan so fast thn like tt...aiyo...mi la..time management very the bad le....
okie la..dun tok so much le...very tire really...got to go orh le...tml got sch lo...lol
btw...i got 3c le...sad~~~being 18 for 1hr25min le~~~~
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