arh~~~today go to school wif fang onli....cos wing not feeling well so she pom...thn joo as usual...LATE...so onli mi and fang lo....on the way, we tok and tok..i oso forget wad we tok abt le...lol...i onli we did tok abt our work lo...
ohya...when i was taking the bus out to meet them tt time, the bus 179 was very the packs. so i have to stand next to the enterance...the onli thing i dub like abt 179 is tt got those obasha wan to get down de lo...or got very boi liao de...wan to get up jus for one stop... iwas standing so close to the tap tap machine lo...thn..something flash into my mind...i forget to bring my SPECS....finish le....thn the bus move..thn i tap at tt bus stop....arh~~~~stupid mi...i tap twice....arh, waste my money....stupid...thn i oso forget to re drew money...so...have to Q lo....cos the balance is ---- dunno wad le...if dun top cannot take train...so i top in 20...sobsob...
in sch, my eyes really tire...as i forget to bring my specs...
my eyes really cannot take it lo...so the whole morning i was so tire and hungry...
after my lunch break...of course i feel better le lo...cos full le ma...but my eyes still so tire and pain...i keep on rubbing lo...
wow~~~today class end early for mi...hahahahaha..cos onli got 3 presentation to do..and all very short de...so my class end at 3 like tt...so early...thinking of meeting jo de..cos her class oso end at 3 ma...but...hmm...they not leaving so early..so nvm lo..i go back myself ba...
in the train towards je...i really fall aslp...really tire...cannot take it le..tt's y i nv wait for joo or fang...hmm... in class i keep on dozing off le lo...haha...
cannot le la...walk hm fast fast...reach hm...bomb...onto my bed and there i goes to my lala land...haha...
today i got my con le...haha..but the photo cannot make it la...but better thn tt one i saw on leo le...b'cos it blur ma..haha...all my friend say my face very zhong...sad...hmmm...sad...i wan to change!!!!!!
woke up by my dog barks...at a stranger...sianz...but its already 8 plus le...is tt scv guy...promoting dunnO wad de...qi ji...my dad was lisening to tt guy...when iwas more awake le, i thn realise, he was a scv promoter and my dad wants cos of tt world cup thing...so...in the end...my hse got scv le wow~~~haha...but dun have much chn lo...cos my dad onli wan to watch the world cup ma...haiz~~~ but funny my dad la...
my bro pay for him lo...thn he was like so the happy...lol
tok abt my bro...nv gv mi present...stupid guy...win the 4d nv gv mi somemore...lol
but okie la...somehow i do understand him ba...haha...dunno...
my kor will link to tt stupid women...hump...nvm...see her i angry ar...haha
okie la..dun say her...sometime she not bad de la...hmmm....haha
chatting at msn wif cin..somehow wad she say very true lo...haiz~~~crush...dunno...haha...
better slp early...tml will be a long dAy..got test..dunno i download the thing correct not...nid to go sch early...to check...
sainz~~~nid to wake up early le...mayb watching my ling er..haha...faster watch finish...
sat sun y seiyu...sainz~~~~very very~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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