Venesa, you could have been a famous Actor
Marilyn Monroe? Veronica Lake? Humphrey Bogart? A scene-stealer like you could have been any one of these legendary entertainers. Like Hollywood's acting elite, you've got loads of charisma and charm, and you know how to use it.Whether you're turning heads on the way to work or making the rounds at a party, you're a people person who loves basking in the spotlight. With your bold spirit and magnetic aura, you're sure to brighten up any room and leave your adoring fans spellbound and begging for more.
(hmm i'm somebody wor~~hahaha)
what type of TV parent am i????
Venesa, you could star as a parent in It's A Wonderful Life!
Mmm, is that the smell of cookies fresh from the oven? With your natural parenting instincts, your style is like the Donna Reed and Jimmy Stewart characters in It's a Wonderful Life. It all starts with taping foam bumpers around the exposed edges in your living room—before your first born even arrives on the scene. And soon after that, we can see you racing two steps ahead of your toddler on high alert—removing the glass of red wine from the coffee table, and the cat food from the kitchen floor. Kids do get into everything, after all. Parent was a role you were born for. And your kids will know it from the first "Mommy" or "Daddy" that comes out of their mouths. You know when to let the sleepover gigglers stay up past their bedtime, but you also know when to lay down the law with homework or practicing the piano. And like the It's a Wonderful Life parents, you can look forward to the kind of adult relationship with your kids you see immortalized on the best of commercials.
What's Your Morning Personality?
Venesa, in the morning, you're Still Sleepy
Sleepyheads like you are the reason they invented the snooze button. "Another five minutes! Just another five minutes." Okay, maybe one more...But eventually you do get up to face the day and arrive wherever you need to be in somewhat decent shape.That said, after your initial reluctance to get out from under the covers, we'd guess you're pretty eager to get your day going. And while you probably won't be up with the roosters (or at least volunteer to be), you're able to be surprisingly productive before noon. Sometimes you just may need a little nudge or strong cup of coffee to get going. Then you'll be off and running!
What Breed of Dog Are You at Work?
Venesa, your breed of dog at work is a Border Collie

You don't give up and that's your key to success. Though people might not always expect it from you since you're so sociable in the office, you've got success on the brain and won't stop short 'til you get there.
Are You Ready to Be a Mom?
Start clearing out that extra room — sounds like you're going to need a nursery before too much longer. Because, despite a few lingering hesitations, it looks like you're almost ready to change your name to "Mommy." It's great that you recognize your concerns, though, whether you're worried about not knowing how to be a mom or just that you might not be quite ready to turn your life upside-down. If it's the latter — if you're afraid that you're not emotionally ready or aren't too keen on restructuring your lifestyle — then maybe it's a good idea to hold off for a bit. But try not to worry too much about the "not knowing what to do" part. As long as you've got maternal instincts — and a great support network — the rest will come naturally. No one knows exactly what to do until they've actually got the baby in their arms. To put it another way, try this quick "test": Does the thought of knowing all the words to the latest children's songs make you giddy? Do you browse through Baby Gap just to see how precious tiny jeans and sweaters can be? Does watching a toddler dance erase your stress and make you grin? If you answered "yes," you just might be ready to decorate a nursery and get busy in the bedroom!
What's Your Lucky Charm?
Venesa, your lucky charm is a Four-leaf Clover
Even if you're not from the green isles, you just might share in some of that luck o' the Irish. The four-leaf clover is your lucky charm. Druids used four leaf clovers to see evil spirits and friendly fairies. If you start seeing magical things however, we recommend laying off the clovers for a while. In fact, you don't even need to possess the actual clover. A necklace, pendant, key chain or tattoo promises the same good fortune of the ancients. Take note brides and grooms—the mere dream of a four-leaf clover foretells of a successful marriage. Actually finding one might mean quadruplets.
what dog breed am I????
Venesa, you're a Cocker Spaniel!
No bones about it, you're a perky, loving Cocker Spaniel. (Think Lady from Lady and the Tramp.) Playful and energetic, you're a real people person — er, dog. People can't help but fall hook, line, and sinker for your friendly, well-rounded personality and natural charm. It's a subtle thing, though — being outgoing and flirtatious, not showy, is the name of your game. Friends, co-workers, and potential dates can't help liking you. How could they not? Your winning-yet-humble ways make you popular, admired, and a joy to be around. Woof!
my fantasy island ...
Venesa, your fantasy island is St. Lucia
Indulgence — that's your focus when considering the perfect island getaway. That's why a luxurious Caribbean gem like St. Lucia is right for you. After all, it's a vacation — what better time to indulge every whim? Can't you just hear the steel drums as you delight in spa treatments or have cocktails served on the beach? Or maybe you'd rather shop the day away and splurge on a fancy seafood dinner? Whatever your extravagances, you find that pampering yourself is the best way to let go of stress and revitalize for the road ahead.With your style and elegance, you expect the very best from yourself and others — and St. Lucia is just the relaxing, pampering place to give you what you want. Live it up!
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