-just 'a' random thoughts-
Monday, January 29, 2007
be great wif wad i had...
wad to do...
felt so disappointed...
it just about 1/2 an hour more...
frm just about 1km apart to 2km apart thn to 4-5km...
tt's how sad it can be. We were actually so close, but...
real felt that that security was not doing his job or so de..he actualy make the whole situation worse...not getting their signature as well as not shaking their hands..plus no close up..very sad...all b'cos of tt wad wad wad de...we were Q'ing okie de...but y ask us to move here la...move thr de...in the end..our Q being cut...everyone in a mess...and...ya...we waited...waited..till no other choice but they could not manage to complete the session as it already 10.15, they had already over shot 15minx time le....
anyway, i still get to see them...hmm...ya...rather close too..keke..but...i'm just not satisfy wif it..我们明明是可以的。。。就应为那莫莫人。。。tell myself tt i have to be content wif it..i get to see all of them...hmmm...heard them sing 超喜欢你.. tt has to be enuff...be one of the thousand tt is inside their memories hmmm..i'm nt tt bad oso de ar..keke...
whao~for yrs i haven goes for this kind of thing le..feel just like an 13 years old gal ...hahaha...
not tt i wants to rumble abt wad happen today..but mayb i had being lost contact with this world for too long le..getting old le...now thn i get to see whao..nowsaday little gals ar..hmmm..they act tis way and ya..
i hate ppl tt cut Q's... those ass de...for godness...can't u guys get in Q...cutting Q...rushing in the train...not moving back in the bus...wad more can u guys do man...sometime i just can't understand wad are u people thinking...true speaking...i hate ppl cutting Q...after today incident, i hate more...
ya..mi and cin might be wrg too as we join in the Q ...but wad so ever, i join in to phine Q which is my friend ya..and..we was along in tt Q...not cutting into other's or so de ar...but for those at the back de...they just cut like no business and push and bang their way thr...for godness...by doing...wad's in the end..for all i can see,they are not all teenagers ..but..their's also ago 18 and above de...i dun believe tt they can't think...wad's the world moving...i really dunno!!!!
so sad...one jap miss was Q'in behind of us..but due to the push and cut...she was no whr to be seen and ya..we actually could get the signatures by 8...in the end......we didn't get it.. and tt jap miss have to leave as she had to rush for her plane which is at 9plus to 10...sadded...and phine friend..mary leave disappointed wif the board tt she wanted to gif wu chun, which she actually stay up late last night to do..but as we were ask to Q the 3rd time..she give up and left wif phine...thn was already 9 and we was at the very very very back of the Q which was like we just came in...but actually mi and cin 5 plus was already thr and phine they all was 3 plus thr....haix....
wad's the world turning to....
overall 飞轮海...hmmm...nt too bad..haha..they look just like wad we see on photos as well as on tv...keke...是帅的咯。。。哈哈。。。而他们也没有架质的。。。不可以签完全部人的。。他们就愿意唱一首歌。。他们也辛苦了。。。早上到晚上都忙了一天。。签了也差不多有四个小时了,又没有迟到。可见他们是不赖的吗。。哈哈。在为我们唱那首歌时,还是很有活力的在舞台上和四面的人都有交流。。还是蛮感动的。。我想,他们也希望能把每一个都签完吧。。他们的努力是我看得到也感受得到的啦。。哈哈。。。加油喔!!!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
i just carried a very very big baby hm..
my new one week dog...
first time in my life i have to carry a dog all the way hm..
brought her down..
since she seem tt she wants to go to the toilet or so de..
after doing all her business..
she actually drag mi all the way to wen hse the traffic light thr..
and she actually refuse to leave...
standing thr hmmm..
abt 5 to 10 minx...
i saw ron and her lao po...
so the ps!!!!!
ron help mi to let her walk a dist. le..
but ..
it's still fail..
she actually wanted to take a cab...
to ..
dunno to whr..
but i think tt most probably she missed 'home"
in the end..
i have to carry her all the way home...
maybe because of her stomach upset ba...
she just like a big baby..
mi in my kor room accompany and pei her till she fall asleep...
maybe i shld sing a lullaby????
goin to see wu chun and the rest in evening time le..
can't wait for them...
still sad sad..
i miss she de..
tml the tm tt one i oso cannt go..
SHE concert!!!
i cannt go watch SHE concert....
the seating arrangment just too bad le..
no point going...
in the end i still missed it le...
Friday, January 26, 2007
wu chun the best!!!!!
when to take a look at wu chun blog...
guess wad...
he was in town yesterday....
shld haf when to town de..
since i pon school..
wu chun!!!!!!
goin crazy soooonnnnn....
Thursday, January 25, 2007
sooo tire...
bz day...
can't expect tt it will end up to be tt bz...if the boss wasn't here...won't it be better...hmmm...
anyway..okie la...got to really experiance it...
for tt small small little moment..i somehw feel like crying...arh!!!
really thx to those customers tt willing to give mi a chances as well as giving mi tt chance...
while for those who mock and laugh de....hmmm..thx u too la...though i somehw will hate and curse you, but..nvm la..with tt it somehw boast mi to prove it to you guys tt i can...
while very sorry for some of them due to the low service...esp to the 2nd walk in tt 3 of them...as i bring you in de..but..haixyo...dunno which gu gu throw ur order in the trashbin de...aiya...
anyway...slept late last night...cos when hm late...cos kor and shawn having some dispute...hixyo tt shawn oso de la...tok rubbish only...hiax...
take my rest..
look at the sky...
mayb i'm too tire or so de...
haf a feeling tt the stars up thr are moving ...
(mich say is the cloud tt's moving )
make few wishes...
i'm just too greedy...
hope tt it will come true ba...
lots to write...
all i need lots more time to sleep!!!!
wondering should I go or should I not????
strong feeling of no....kekekeke...
Monday, January 22, 2007
hmmm...quite an old old mtv le ba....but still feel tt tis song nt too bad la...
hmmm...while looking at this mv at youtube, realized tt...hmmm...nt many like her le...hiax...plastic plastic tt wad's they commented.....sad sad....
Sunday, January 21, 2007
flash back...
i can't post....
connection is down!!!!!!
time: 4:15
date: 190107
what a slack day i have for today!!!
is good that cog is on fri...
no more sci..
no more moody moody day...but sad to say...it's on mon!!!! means.... more more more BLUE~~~
find a pretty nice skin..
nt enuff time for mi to change le...
nvm la..
mayb sun???
or mon...when my nxt free day comes...haha..
palying and using my lappy all the way...
didn't listen to any single thing...hah~
ending very soon...
workin and workin again..
hope tt today dun haf ppl!!!!
---bad mi---
thinkin back...
nt tt bad too..
got to learn new skills tis and tt de...
but i still feel tt my ability are nt shining in f&b at all...
learning all those skills doesn't seems any easy for mi...
esp on the part whr i haf to take the order..
it's really freak mi out!!!
*phew... i dun haf to do on tt day....
happy time are ending very very soon.......
the day will be here very very very soon....
mayb today!!!!!
bless mi well well~~~~
white asparagus...
caesar salad...
crispy cod fish...
lamb with wine....
forget le...
kids are coming over ltr....hope it will be a easy one...
think kor will be trainin mi on moi tray part again...
it's soooo the heavy tt my left arm are breaking....(holding a tray full of utensilx....)
the reservation wif the kids was cancel!!!
kekeke...happy or sad???
who cares~~~hahaha
2 new reservation made... no ideas are they here nt... cos i handle the walk in ones....
no more trainin of tray...
taking order....
i still remb tis and tt and manage to bluff here and thr de...
ans for the wine...
end work at abt 11, went down wif kor to mit up wif mich as usual...hmmm...
dunno is gd or bad news de...i have a new doggy le....mich friend gif us de...keke...
tis is the grown grown up version of fluffy....hahahhaah.....
it's real big!!!!!
got a shock for a moment when i saw 'her', moi 1st impression....'her' eyes are very very sharp.....heard her story, she's rather poor thing...had being changing hm here and thr for the past one yr or so de..still had nt get used to the enviornment ...
overall--- good gal!!!
breed: Husky
Name: Ice
gender: F
colours: Black and White
= cny u all can gif a miss for moi hse le wor~~~kekeke...cos moi hse got dog le...hahahaha...
i'm soooo full nw!!!
hmmmm..50% of moi energy left...
went over to suntech....sales are really bad...it's a sat but i only manage to make $19....sad!!!!!
went to look for wen...tok tok tok....hahahaha...it being soooo long tt i last saw her...hahaha...
late for work.... reasons==ice dun let mi go...or i shld pharse it tt ice wants to go out and bo pian...i have to bring her down... and i was late....so the ps..cos i was struggling wif her along the corridor for abt 5 mins of so de b4 i decided to carried her in...and my neighbour was like looking at wad am i doin...hmmm...sooooo ps!!!!!! finally carried her in...bring the chain and bring her down....eerrrrr.....
better get to bed soon....morning shift....go early...go hm early...kekekeke...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A day out!!!
went out wif jocin today...haha...
as usual i was late late...aiya...woke up late ma..keke
spend my 2 dayx holi well well..
rested well, played well..haha
oh...shld be shop well..hahaha..
time to say STOP to all shopping...hahaha....
real nice goin out wif u all...somehw missxx the days....lol...without knowing whr to go...we took the train all the way down to northpoint...thn to heeren....and thn...cine...hahaha....
waste my $$$ onli...nth thr and the strawberry sundae are sooooo little....hmmm...waste $$$...kekeke
hiax... whr i spend most of my $$$ thr de... brought quite a no of accessaries....hmm..thinkin back...i buy sooo many for wad...haha...brought two clothes too...=)
drank a cup of dunno wad...ate the fried wantan..nice nice though the filling are little...
actually wanted to buy tis tube dress de...but!!! too ex and ...hmmm..looks kind of weird on mi de le...keke..the lightin in the fitting rm is too dark le...
brought a jacket for dad...as promise...keke...*phew~~ he like it..keke...
ate kobayashi...brought a red bag...haha..ya...red again!!!! hahha...a big big red bag!!! since it's under promotion and ...and....i can put my lappy in it...so ...nt too bad rite..haha...can imagin hw big it is a ba...hahaha...
shld haf brought all the tops i need le ba.... hmmm...still need lotx lotx of bottom...i need bottom!!!
time for bed...thr's sch!!!! hixyo~~~
ps: smth is irritating moi legs....dunno wad stupid thingy bitting mi or so de...arhhhh~~~~~haf a sense tt phone dieing very very very soonnn..........T_T
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
one litre of tears
finished watchin tis j-drama...nice!!!!!
after hearing soooo much comments abt thiz drama, finally, i got to watch it....
rating .... 4.5/5 (-o.5 for making my eyes soooo pain...)
a very meaningful drama tt is worth watching....is abt a true life story of a girl by the name of Aya. The way she faced and deal with the different obstacles in life as a 15 year old girl was smth truly remarkable. Fighting against the illness for about 10 yrs, and living as what she believed in ... for me, i wonder if i could have the strength to carry on, having to giving up so many things and are restricted to this and that.
Even though this had happen long long time ago, but her spirit since to be still living... After watching, it does really send the massage of what she wanted to tell and send to us...
-Live On-
a short poem written by Ikeuchi Ay
Step by Step
When my existance seems to dissappear,
I will look for the place where I can do the best I can.
From now, I'll deliberate slowly.
I won't be impatient.
I won't be greedy.
I won't give up.
Because everyone takes things step by step...
so.... get ready your tissues or toilet paper de...b'cos..from the start of esp of 2, the one litre of tears will start to flow freely like tap water!!!haha~~~~
On the other hand, the guy by the name of Asou is such a great and wonderful person!!
It's really such a pity that they could not be together or even just a simple hug...
(This drama actullay somehow reflect on what happen to my kor... real envy and proud of him!!!)
hmmm... another part... I feel that her name was named wrgly... as it is Aya, ~~ means== aiya!!! soooo.... nt gd nt gd... tt's y she will fall and tis and tt de...hmmm..jkjk...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
i had actually slept sooo the early ..but.. it doesn't seems to help at all!!!
i overslept....
missed ...
too bad la..
went to boon kim wif my dad tis morning... accomany and helpin him wif tt investigation or so de...hmmm...
all tv bluff ppl de... go police post oso dun haf coffee to drink de... eerrr...
after tt meet up wif friend and went over to far east!!!
sooo long haven shop le...
though is abit late le..
enjoy enjoy...
of course!!!
finally~~~i did some changes to my hair..
a very big one!!!
have being keepin my long long hair for soooo long.... abt ...hmm..4 yrs like tt ba..no more playing wif my hair le...T_T
cos it's...
very very...
short short rite....kekekee...
kor say i look better in long de...nw face look's very round!!!!
didn't brought anything much...like nth de....sad...hahaha...brought tis clothes and a pair of red red heals!!! cny can wear le...wahahaa.....
~~trying out~~~
tt's all la...
thurs....die...vip coming.... can i handle?????
looking forward to mon and tues!!!!!
no sch dayx!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
personality test to see if i have change????
You are The Fool
The Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he need to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning. But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. Stop daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
nth new in tickle...all the result seems to be the same...i'm just too bz and dun haf enuff time for myself...haha..which is very true!!! (sometime tis kind of things cannt bu xiang xin..hah..cos tt wad's i'm leading nw...) haha...mayb oneday when my mr right appear, it will change the situation...kekeke...whr's my shawn yue!!! for now, i'm sure tt i'm happy wif the comapany of my friends and and tt "he" will appear one fine day de and of course nt in the coming weekx or even mths...unless i get to know someone who i fall at 1st sight...hahahahaha... anyway...i'm happy with the group of friends i had... new or old old friendxxx de...hmmm....things are still best kept to be unsaid...even though i know, so..pretending is still the best!!! hahaha...okie la...mayb i'm avoiding or so de..regardless of what matters...let time wash away ba... tic tak tic tak...time passes fast fast...it's good tt we are still friends... =)
aiyo..stop all those mashi mashi thingy la...things is still best to be kept unsaid...hahahaha..
u all noe mi tooo well le la...understand le hor!!! hahaha...
cny is comin soonnnn.....
Sunday, January 07, 2007
bz bz dayx....
saw my bed~~~
boom! flat onto it...
everyone has change their skin..
wait wait wait...
change my blog song 1st...
didn't submit my sci rj...
phew~ still got a c for it..
keke... soo aiya..nvm la..haha...
few weeks back...
(in the train on our way hm..wif min mp3 which is lend frm her friend de..keke)
min: heyy is tt song... nice nice nice... hmmm..let u hear...keke
ven: hmmm... wad song??
min: smack tt...=)
saw the mv before i left for work...
change it to my blog song..hahahaha...
(feat. Eminem)
Slim Shady
I see the one, because she be that lady! Hey!
I feel you creeping on, I can see from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like tabo
and posibbly bend you over look back and watch me
[Chorus (2X)]
Smack that all on the floor
Smack that give me some more
Smack that 'till you get sore
Smack that oh-oooh!
Upfront style ready to attack now
pull in the parking lot slow with the lac down
Konvicts got the whole thing packed now
Step in the club now and wardobe intact now!
I feel it down and cracked now (ooh)
I see it dull and backed now
I'm gonna call her, than I pull the mack down
Money no problem, pocket full of that now!
I feel you creeping on, I can see from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like tabo
and posibbly bend you over look back and watch me
[Chorus (2x)]
Ooh...Looks like another club banger
They better hang on when they throw this thing on
Get a lil drink on
They gonna flip for this Akon shit
You can bank on it!
Pedicure medicure kitty-cat claws
The way she climbs up and down them poles
Looking like one of them putty-cat dolls
Trying to hold my woodie back thru my chores
Steps upstage and think I saw
Creeps up behind me, shes like "yoo"
I'm like ya I know lets cut to the chase
No time to waste back to my place
Starts from the club to the crib it's like a mile away
I'm more like a pal of shall I say
Plus I got pal of gal? his game
In fact he is the one singing the song that's playing
I feel you creeping on, I can see from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like tabo
and posibbly bend you over look back and watch me
Eminem is rollin', d and em rollin' bo
And all marvelous them rolling
Women just holding big booty rollin'
Soon I'll be on Eminem throwin "D!"
Hittin on less than "Three!"
Block wheel style like "Whee!"
Girl I can tell you want me because lately
I feel you creeping on, I can see from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like tabo
and posibbly bend you over look back and watch me
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
connection low low low low low!!!!
confirm is ar kor nv pay money!!!!!!
finally i got my rest le...
but sad..
2 more dayx..
sch reopen le..
first of all~~~
happy new yr!!!!
it's o7 le..
sooooo fast....
real fast de...it's a new yr!!! hmmm..
hope tt tis yr will be much much much better thn o6...all the good good come..all the bad bad go...keke
look back on wad i do for the last few dayx of o6...
thx jo for the han's treat...
full full..
watched death note 2!!!
yuppiiiii...nice nice..though i need to sit very very stri thn can see the sub title..keke..
bz day...
when to work at suntech and i was very very late..
cos my ar pa la...haixyo...nvm la...thn met tt low yee ling..hahaha...sooooo the long nv see her le...still the same la...lend her moi old old hp cos she need for her project de...somemore she's the main actress le..hahahahahaha....4 plus plus..went over to my kor there to help out...wait for tt stupid 402 or 1 de...soooo the long....almost late...lucky reach on time...keke...
once i reach lv 2.....
whao!!! die die die ...tt's wad i told myself...tt's a function hoding..alot alot alot of ppl le....reach lv 3....more die!!!! tere's a bigger function tere....they even brought the mos ppl tere to host....die die...
they are holding a dnd for a company of 300 ppl!!!!
phew~~ lucky...all i haf to do is look after the foods....whao..all the ppl are really hungry de ar...hahahaha...
hmm...tt day nt too bad la..know quite a few ppl..keke...
they are soooo lame...tt help mi to feel sooo much much better...hahaha
thx lot..
cos...haix...i'm jackson sister!!!! thn...hiax~~~~~
got scolded for nth..mayb is really my mistake ba...but!!! i dunno la...my kor tell mi like tt ...she tell mi like tt...but ...correct ma..i follow wad my kor kor say and do de...and ya lo...we got all the food ready and replace...although we nv tell her...but...aiya..mayb i'm just too sensetive tt becos...nvm la...
tt stupid william dunno is help mi or hai mi one...
a cup of waster tt spill infornt of mi rite onto mi de..
total shock!!!
but..nvm la...
forget it la...haix...
30 - 311206
working of course la...
haf a gd gd gd rest....
slept all the way to 4 plus plus plus!!! hahahaha....