-just 'a' random thoughts-
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Oh my oh my...
Have been eating & eating for the whole day and now...
Yar. I'm too bloated and cant slp.
Serve me right for actually eating 2 full scoop of ice cream at 1am plus!!
Arh =ς time to do so `workup.'
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Your tentative grade is B

im so happy..
im so glad..
my fyp grade is out..
at least i will get a B.
no downgrade please..
move upward.
if i got a A will be better!!!!~
now is my daily grade.
cross finger that i will pass welll..
**skipp too much lesson...**
Its time for celebration!!!!!!!!!~
whooo hooo!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
woke up early this morining. i mean, the usual time for school.
but, i wasnt a very gd girl...
or i guess even earlier..
felt kinda of gulity..
soon giving mi a " OH VENESA" **eyes and mouth open wide** face
:s not good.
i just simply hide behind char..
sorry soon...
went to sing. -party world- which i hasnt really being to one for quite sometime.
was real fun. hahaha. char was like singing hokiee and canto song lar.
**photos to be uploaded soon.**
met up with ry. she miss class~!
bt eventually we still meet up. she want to go bugis for SHOPPING!!~
poor gal waited for us quite some time..so sorry ahh. =x
went over to town to get char shirt. walk ard wisma.. nth really catch my eyes. guess cos im gg broke. or i am BROKE.
i spend all my money on dunno whatever things. shit.
not good~!
next went over to bugis. as we heard that its cheappppp..
new stock came and. not too bad design. but i still didnt get to find the vest which im lookin for.
we walk the whole of bugis street and. nehhh.
not one that can really work well within my budget and the design...
if out of no choice, i will get that 27 thn. :
next next. je pasamalam.
nth much. perhaps maybe i will be getting tiao clothes frm thr. =x
but they have nice sleepwear..
i still like the hello kitty one.
"wahaha. tot am not a hk lover."
tt sleepwear look real sweet.
xD *sweet sweet*
but i did get myself one simple 2pcs one. its with a short. which i prefer too.
once am home...im so tired..
my shoulder achs.
all thx to my 2.8 laptop~!
2 more days of carrying you...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
life without wireless is real miserable!!!
= no game.
=no browering.
= slow connection.
= LAG~!!!
a busy & tiring yet fun day!~
career fair was okok.
didnt really get to find a job tt am really interested in.
got quite a number of FREE notepads tot.
Linda didnt get to buy her present.
mi didnt get to buy my pant or clothes.
we saw a 300plus wok. .
*its so the ex. the promoter uncle looks like a chef tot. hah.~!*
we saw a korean han fu.
*which is an oversize kid wear.**
that linda plan to bring ry to see.. grrr.!~
I swear & please NO!!!!
its not in my wishlist.
but but. seriously, i can fit in it. =x
the length of the skirt is just as long to cover up my whole leggg.. and tt is a long dress lar.
guess kids are growing real well nowadays yar.
*roll eyes*
which is endless. at woodland its seem to be all days all mth having pasamalam.
nth nth much!!!
i want to get a mouse pad but i cant find one.. !@#$%
aniway. tts not the main point.
is is is...
stickers price do rise as well!
it used to be 5 for $1
but now, its 4 for $1.
& is the only baran baran tt is selling.
so i give up. which normally i will buy if i go pasamalam...
another part is tt ..
thr's a one&only baran tt sells those taiwan sweet.
**which i wanted to buy lar**
price wise was okie.
$1.80 per 100g.
the uncles was just too aggressive that really scared mi off.
they kinda of open up sweets for u to try and push a big and ask u to pick...
and they give a tone of like..
""lai lai lai xiao mei.. ownself pick. 100g for u.."
**i walk slightly away**
""lai lai lai... xiao mei yao jelly...""
**which is just next to the one which i tried.**
the other unlce was like.. pushing mi a bag again to ask me to pick..
& they was like giving a look and tone of.
"want buy anot. dont want buy i kill u ar"
okie. i know. its just my own lala thinking.
really really. they are kinda of scary~.
home sweet home ard 8.30pm.
suppose to be hm at 7.30pm.
jp has real lots of ppl.
by just q'in to deposit and pay bills, it make mi Q and waited ard 45 mins to an hrs.
am so hungry.........
and pa cooks thick bee hoon soup.
*which is not smth i like.*
*will upload some photos..maybe tml???
whr its less busy.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
or is my mind playing the trick.
i dunno~.
finally get my extended lash done.
its nice! =)
but but.
its not as comfortable as i tot it will be.
my eyes are getting heavier and heavier.
so sleepy~!
hee. one of my excuses to skip school???
ry brought cookies today.
its not too bad yarrr.
or i can say is nice.
i wan more more more MORE~!!!!
i prefer the smaller one.
i just find tt it had two layers which make the texture and bites cunchy cunchy..
the big two tone colours de abit too sweet.
but overall it very nice of you baking for us.
the taste is nice~!
thinking of...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
okie lar..
nice shopping trip with ry and lin.
we actually spend ard 3 hrs at jp itself.
must jio mi out more k.
but i dun wan go kids coner lar.
new year new year clothes.
i haven BUY~!!!
cant find any nice one..
saw one kimono..
the colour is nice.
the design is okie.
smth wrg with the back..
its too low.
its school tml again.
*dun feel like gg~!*
dl new ds game~!!
Friday, January 09, 2009
Not good
In actual fact, i cant really drink coffee or tea.
The dunno wad in thr will makes me feel bad.
I dun feel like going. When you know more. You will know why......
GOod mOrining.
im finally in school.
i clear a cockroach early this morining!!!!~
its so oh my goddnesss....
its the first time in my life tt i clear a cockroach!!!
my dog killed a cockroach and i got no choice. yet to clear it.
cos no one is wake yettt~!!!
its so my goddnessss...!!!!
so shld i be proud of my dog and myslef???
i manage to clear the insect?
my dog can kill insect???
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
its seem like the last day of school.
my motivation of gg to school is lessen again~!!
presentation wasnt as bad as i tot it will be.
whoo hoo..
nth much was being really qns and we can ans.
while the website wasnt tt well.
i mean on the design part.
but. afterall still okok lar.
wasnt tt bad.
hee hee.
not a bad team this time round.
gotten mix and know 2 new friends.
they are really nice ppl.
a pon queen and a fake hair queen.hhah.
the day b4 my presentation i did a pick on my tarot cards.
and tadah..
this is wad i got.
9 swords.
the first sentence that come out of it was....
not to worries so much!!~
tt was so hit the point lar.
as as usual, im a gal who thinks alot.
moving on was. sleep well, eat well, and everything will be okie.
after a few other pick, i did one on my studies.
hows my gpa will be like.
will i pass???
i got the same card.
kinda of true i guess.
dress code for the day.

Afterall, i still stick with all black.
but this time round is with skirt~.
at least i finally get to find the skirt tt i wan.
tot is out of my budget..
it was rather ex~~!!!!!
Monday, January 05, 2009
school school school school.
its first day of school and im LATE.
when i saw the rubbish truck. i knew it.
my eyes are closing.
holiday mood.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
the last lap.
at the sametime, its the deadline.
whatever whatever whatever..
thrs nth much i can do.. or we can do.
we had done all we can.
if times allow i know and im sure it will be better!!
and of course with a better supervisor...
mun is a nice gal.
so tiring... travel all the way down to braddle mac to compile and add in here and thr some more points on our project de.
poor gal was thr since 12.30!!~
cos angg was late and left early...
while i was late. =x
**as usual**
but anyway not a bad team. i enjoy teaming with them. =))))
a grp of sweet heart~!.
this is the topic that i was told to do on.
sexual harassment...
see seee...
tt's wad i mean.
it's so dark~!!!!
i dunno wads wrg with it once i convert it out.
*thx joo and tan for helping. =)*
this is mun's video.
peer pressure.
its still the same as badd..
i was ask to act in it~!
im not a good actor.=x
*thx william for help. his a real good actor. got the talent. =)*
angie's video.
premarital sex.
She did quite alot of it. it last mins plu while mine is only 4mins plus. =(
we are suppose to come up with a 5mins video de.
*eunice is a nice actor. well done. thump up for ryan too. poor boy waited quite long just for a few sences...*
Bernice's video
family pressure.
i feel that it is rather funny for ber clip.
guess is the ppl who act in it and they make it very funny???
*thx willison and tan for helping. =) *
location: school and MY HSE~!
nice exp afterall.
fun doing all the shootingand editing. tot mac com is irritating.
hahahah. =x
i wanna tea..
i wanna coffee..
but but.
i cant drink. b'cos of the caffeine in it i guess..
it makes mi giddy..
it makes mi bloated..
it makes mi ..
makes mi....
not good~!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
hopefully everything will be fine and will be better.
08 is gone. what happen in 08 will be placed as a past and history. =D
09 09 09 09 09 ....
think i have being the computer for too long hrs.
i cant stare at the screen long now.
im getting giddy AGAIN~.