its seem like the last day of school.
my motivation of gg to school is lessen again~!!
presentation wasnt as bad as i tot it will be.
whoo hoo..
nth much was being really qns and we can ans.
while the website wasnt tt well.
i mean on the design part.
but. afterall still okok lar.
wasnt tt bad.
hee hee.
not a bad team this time round.
gotten mix and know 2 new friends.
they are really nice ppl.
a pon queen and a fake hair queen.hhah.
the day b4 my presentation i did a pick on my tarot cards.
and tadah..
this is wad i got.
9 swords.
the first sentence that come out of it was....
not to worries so much!!~
tt was so hit the point lar.
as as usual, im a gal who thinks alot.
moving on was. sleep well, eat well, and everything will be okie.
after a few other pick, i did one on my studies.
hows my gpa will be like.
will i pass???
i got the same card.
kinda of true i guess.
dress code for the day.

Afterall, i still stick with all black.
but this time round is with skirt~.
at least i finally get to find the skirt tt i wan.
tot is out of my budget..
it was rather ex~~!!!!!
ps. my room is in a mess~!!!!.
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