started my first full time job for almost 3weeks...
things getting better..
but, im still kinda of afraid alone esp with all the scanning and test needed to be book and done..
days can gets nothing better thn...
working with ahem and ahem doctors~~!!!
just like todays afternoon session..! *-*
one of the best experience i got to learn will be knowing all the medi and the different procedure is for what purpose/help.
& not forgetting the best exp will be...
im able to see how dressing its done.
whoo. though i know it can be kinda of gross.
but its "whao0o0o". =0
last but not least..
i got to measure my bp everyday.
**lame** heehee.
Dr Raymond Wong
rose was a real nice mentor/senior!
she's the best man~!
she teach/guide & tells me whatever she knows.
she help mi in anyway she can till today..e.g. the sap dropdown list.
lub working with her. =)
she's just simply nice nice & nice.
appreciate lots lots.
anyway its not a bad doc. =))
i guess.. actually dont really remb much. except for the..
"thrs she goes again~!"
news update!
sing got the first h1n1 pt!!!!
sing got the first h1n1 pt!!!!
& she's in nuh!!!
will i die???
will i die???
hopefully & guess i will not be affected. we are real farrrr..???
anyway jiayou jiayou towards ur recovery.
Random Photos.
Random Photos.
tiao watching the kimshanshun "cabbage head" drama series with me...
--Driving @ bbdc--
my first ever training car! 145.
--Nuhs @ cardiac center/H--
first day at work..

for the time being i got to tahan~!!!
for the sick of the money.
for the sick of the cpf.
driving getting harder and harder.
lesser and lesser slots for me to book as well.
i need to maintain 2 per week.
falling sick soon..
complexion getting worse day by day with..
everyday makeup and less SLEEP!!
i miss my long long lala land!
i still have the urge to take MC!!!
but nope nope nope nope....!
**shake head**