Lesson 1:
when eee meet acer...
my dearest team mate who was sitting besite me is using the eee lar..
hiax. see the diifff!!!~~~
is really the big meet the small.
so0o0o ENVY!!!
how i wish i have one too~~.. *blink blink*

Lesson 2:
It's such a dry topic that is worst thn last week..
really didnt expect that to be so.
i almost doze off!. =xx
but nevertheless..
i got a nice team!
was playing wif the tablet that sikin had loan frm the helpdesk..
it's FUN~~!!.
i drew these 2 pic with tt pen...
wahahaha~ so fun.
Sha join in the fun and sign off her name in it. (my dearest team mate who uses the eee)
Lesson 1:
I dont know much of them..
enery booster of the day!.
A new flavor i guess.
it's SWEET..
it a sweet.
for my grade. i didnt expect that i will get a A.
**glad glad**=)
Lesson 1:
2 men show~!
it's the first day and ...
in my team is only mian fang and ..ME!!!
we manage to figuer and get a good grade.
*well done* =)
Lesson 1:
call myslef lucky or so...
i got that..that...
it's a SAD story...
he might be
another 13 more lessson of him and us to gooo0o0o.
I got nth to go at one of the weekend and ..
i got to say this is the best that i had tried to drew on my nails!~~
it's NICE!~
more improvement needed!!!~~~.
I'm present for all these 2 weeks!~
i'm proud of it man.
i wasnt late! hah~!.
daily grades was more thn i excepted that i will get. LOVE it!.
i got to hang on thr..
with full attendance, i will onli need to attend just like abt 3-4 more months of lessons!!
and thn self declare holidays!!!~
meet up with the guys and my little gal.
nice nice. nice chatting with her.
and april get to open up more too.
and and...
i learnt a new game!
cheating & counting of the dices??
i got to be proud i have to say.
tt day is the day where i drank 5-6 glassess...
and ..
i didnt puke.
i just felt bloated!!~~
the cab uncle driving wasnt tt bad too~!.
why do life have so many decision to made.
i just wonder..
i just dont like..
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