a glass of warm water is all i need!.
yarr. at this moment. at this timing. at this kind of WEATHER!
its so humid. i feel like gg to bath again~!
worst still went auntie came at this wrong timing!!
~!@#$ ~!
yarr. and im kinds of piss now.
with the no longer nag to pressure frm pa.
& im actually getting really tired of depending on his MOODS!
frm the simple uploading of photos to blogger to killing mi.
*as i dunno whats wrg with blogger tt it will atuo rotate the photo even though i had tried uploading many times. so i had actually spend ard an hr plus just uploading them!*
okie. i will do a fast and simple one. as i no longer have the mood to b.l.o.g.!
okie. i will do a fast and simple one. as i no longer have the mood to b.l.o.g.!
he was a happy guy last night -18.04.09- as he met a new friend. =)
i was a happy lady as well.
thanks ruiyan and xiao hui.
lubbb it. my first first 21st birthday present!
its the first time i received birthday present so early. just 10days right before!

went to do a express medicure at a new outlet at jp. its being so long tt i had pamper my fingers as i dont really need and..usually, it will chip off last thn a week. =(
and as i expected.. on the second day....yarrr.
wasnt tt nice. guess she was in a rush when doing it for us as it was near to closing time when mich and i reach thr. so cant be blame and its only 5 bucks.haha.
choose a dark/navy blue, wanted to try how does blue look like on my fingers and it turn out not too bad. =)
guess im really/rather/dame tempermental..
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