anyway got to make things short cos i tire of re-writing the post...arh!!!!
ok..jus change my blog song..change over to it as because the past few days i was humming this tune and song..hmm..since vin party???haha...
jo was like asking mi tt day" why u keep humming this song??? " i was like..orh~~cos jus nw i heard this song on the tv ad abt fir promoting their lastest album very bore, thn like humming this song le lo..wahaha...
okie la...
today is another day tt i have made another histroy..ya..second sem,second day...i so called pon tan..keke..
giving myself soooo many excuse of nt goin...too tire la, stomach pain la..
called joo early in the morning and it actually counted late cos i phone him at abt 7 but i suppose to called him at 6.30 de....asked him go or stay after much dunno, we go....but...arh~~~
who noes, as i was walkin out of the lift and heading my way to the interchange, joo called mi and ask whr am i, told him the truth, and true enuff he jus left his hse...hmm..lookin at our time, still under a dilemma of goin ant..and in the end, we end up in mac, having our breakfast....
didn't eat anything except for a cup of hot tea..cos my stomach really cannt take's seems like ..hmm..i'm oso nt too sure abt started since last night and arh~~~all the way to today. mayb is because of the late supper i had last night, or my "dinner" i ate tt make's it worse.
just really hope tt it wun be like 2 yrs back where my this stomach really aches for mths. i have even tot of the worse..pls dun be appendix...
after wasting much time at jp or mac or i can say the whole morning, i finally can go hm and take my rest or slp le...cos i can't go hm early or wad my pa had saw mi gettin ready for sch and left for can i go back..arh~~no choice but to waste my time..real tire..and my eyes bag are like wa~~~panda..lolol
while i was eating the endless or forever guo tiao my dad had prepare for mi, joo called mi...
he came over to my hse as he still cannt go hm and he does'nt want to go back to came over and nth..lolol...
view blogs again..haha..
ya we view blogs again..diff blogs..lolol....
before he left did some funny or shld i say bo liao candid shots..wahaha...
we was trying to put my dearest fluffy into his bag..wahah..jus like kidnapping him..wahaha..funny...and my stupid fluffy is so the gready tt he has being cheater by mi..wahaha...the chicken sticks (his treat)...wahaha
okie are the photos of it..

photos 1-3 : in the bag... =D
photo 4 : under the sofa..
feeling so tire now, arh~ but i still cannt slp, cos..hump ltr still ogt tuition..sob~~~
nvm, hope tt andy mama giving my pay today...
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